Visiting a medical clinic in a little village just outside the city last Monday, I encountered friendly people and unforgettable images.
The ground of the clinic was covered with a sea of blue from the burkas the women wore. Little lumps on mother's laps wriggled as they awaited their turn to receive vaccinations. Those little ones who came out from under the veil revealed eyes masked black by kohl.
Culturally speaking, these precious babes risk danger by appearing cute because they would catch the eye of the evil spirits and their lives might be taken. Babies die so frequently in this country that without knowledge of proper health education, this superstition could almost make sense.
My next stop was at the women's clinic where I received a tour of the gardens and medical facility and then hung out with the workers. A couple young boys tried to snap photos of me from outside the gate and I went over to do the same to them. I sipped some tea and learned some local lingo until I could wait no longer.
"Where is the bathroom?" I hadn't seen one and had low expectations, but when I was led outside the building and the man pointed up the hill, I knew I was in trouble. The wooden shack was not too different from the shanty the boy jumped through on Slumdog Millionaire. Propped on some stilts, it had a door and a hole that led to the ground. Squatty potty to say the least. I think others had missed the hole entirely and I hiked up my pants and walked nice to the spot that looked the least contaminated.
I have a picture. I'll refrain from posting it. You can thank me later.