Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chicken Street

Our anticipated shopping experience came to pass just the other day at a bazaar we call chicken street. This term of endearment came from the chickens they used to sell in this area known for tourism.

One must mentally prepare for the inescapable confrontation with beggars and bartering with shop owners. Even still, my mind could not be ready for the encounters that would ensue.

Woman in blue burka. Child barely walking in hand. Both with outstretched arms. Kohl painted round child's eyes to cast away evil spirits.

7-year-old boys and girls. Pack of chewing gum in hand. Grab hold of your hand. Don't let go as your minutes turn to hours and they cling to their chance to earn some $.

Man in a shop. Unfolding tapestry after tapestry. He states a price. You counter offer. Patiently keep looking and don't back down. He rejects your price, only to accept it minutes later.

Load up in van. Children swarm you in the dirty street. Try sticking gum through window cracks. Van starts to move. Children run. Run until they catch you. Indeed they have earned the small $ you slip out the window.