Thursday, February 18, 2010

4 weeks

The sounds of Havana floud my room upon my recent return from tonight's asado. It's a disco across the street; no worries, I have not fled to Cuba. By day seagulls caw overhead, by night music blares from within.

It is 2:42 am and I sit here on my bed realizing I have now been in Conce four weeks...that's a month. I don't understand where time goes, but one short month from now I'll be boarding that plane...

Meat and wine settle in my stomach. It was my first asado in Conce, which I find rare given the normal frequency of Chilean bbqs. Wednesday I taught my first class with the new English institute I'll be working for this next month. Those students planned tonight to welcome me and I'm thankful we seem to get along since we'll be spending 9 hours a week together over the next month!

In seven hours I'll be teaching once again. At 11 am I have a class of high school boys that I must admit, I enjoy quite a bit. The other day one of them asked if he could ask me something bad. I said, "sure" of course. He asked the difference between "f* it" and "f* you". I can only dream of what they'll ask me tomorrow!

Que duerman con los angelitos