Friday, December 17, 2010


Not once; twice. I re-gifted two gifts in the same night from the same person at the same party I last-minute invited her to attend with me. Poor sister.

It was the moment before the white elephant game would begin that it hit me. The movies I had my brother wrap-up for the game were given to me by Jess. She stood beside us as I whispered to Brandon and we busted-up laughing.

The first present picked was the present I wrapped from me. A couple scarves I've never worn and some lip gloss. "You gave that away?" I hear her ask. What? This too! Oh no...she really had given me one of those scarves...just last Christmas in fact. The reason it was never worn was that she mailed it to me in Chile. Since it's summer in South America in December and it just turned winter here, I never wore it! Having just returned from Central Asia where I bought a surplus of scarves, I thought it best I give some away. Dang it. Not the one from her...

Brandon and I nervously waited in hopes of the movies remaining unopened so Jess wouldn't discover there was yet another re-gift from her. I talked one person out of opening that one, but finally the present pile dwindled so low that it was inevitable. The gift was opened and I shouted-out that it was a re-gift from Jess. Tears sprang from my eyes the laughter was so intense.

I suppose next time I invite one of my siblings to a party I'll refrain from giving away things they've previously given me. Ahem. Unsuccessful re-gift right there!

'Tis the Season

Grandma got run over by a reindeer
coming home from our house Christmas Eve...

A gray-haired woman sways back and forth from her seat in the balcony as the Christmas entertainer sings. The living room is packed-out with walkers and canes, white hair and glasses, Christmas sweaters and broaches. There's eggnog with rum and hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps. A kind round of applause follows each Christmas carol as the retirement home residents give their ears a short rest before straining to hear the next song.

It's experiences such as these that make being a temp quite rewarding and inspire me to have a very Merry Christmas.